sabato 21 marzo 2015

I've got the blues

Welcome Spring! 
The manicure I want to show you today has still the colors of winter but leaves are coming out everywhere! 

I was inspired by the art of Kimiko, which I follow on Instagram: she is special for floral manicure, so just don't miss her! 

Let's go and see the nailpolishes here featured! First one, the base: it is OPI Russian Navy.

Russian Navy is a dark royal blue, with deep metallic reflections.

Quite easy to apply thanks even to the wide OPI's brush, gets perfect in two coats.

I've bough Russian Navy almost forcing myself, after searching for the most famous OPI colors, as I am not a big blue fan, but once tried I've never regretted the choice.

Its sweet companion here is the sparkling Ozotic 617.

This delicious sky blue scatter holo, full of micro translucent particles, is not available anymore this form! In fact it is recently reborn...

Picture Polish brand made the magic, getting it back in production last here, under the name of Bette (you know who's Bette Davis, right?)

I really loved the old Ozotic bottles, but it's surely a great luck to have all the beautiful collection 617 belonged to here back again.

Ozotic 617 was (is) a real pleasure to watch at and to wear on nails, because despite all the shiny glitters it looked smooth and glossy, plus absolutely an enchant to apply!

To conclude, a last look to hand acrylic painted leaves: surely not perfect, as you can see, they show how still hard to me is moving my brush-hand-wrist around the nails. 

By the way, all these colors do their job right, harmonizing together and making the manicure work, in my opinion.